SCGV leads $1 million commitment to USAID’s catalyze edufinance in Rwanda

Save the Children Global Ventures (SCGV) has led the first US$1 millioncommitment (of an anticipated US$ 6 million) to USAID’s CATALYZE EduFinance Rwandafund. The fund helps improve access to capital for affordable education providers in Rwanda toenhance their education offerings and improve learning and education outcomes for students.Early childhood development (ECD) is a key focus […]
Kumwe Hub supporting businesses with the funding they need to succeed

Mutesi Gasana is a Rwandan author and entrepreneur. She is the founder of Ubuntu Publishers ltd and Arise Education Rwanda Ltd and has been authoring and publishing books for over 5 years. Under Soma Innovation Challenge 2021, Kumwe Hub partnered with ubuntu publishers with the aim of improving the availability, distribution, access, and use of […]
Cryptocurrency donations set to fund innovation hub in Rwanda to aid children

Thousands of children in Rwanda will soon receive help from Save the Children but from an unusual source – cryptocurrency. Traditionally the reserve of the tech elite, Save the Children in Rwanda has embarked on a new project that aims to ensure the gains associated with blockchain reach the world’s most vulnerable children. The project, […]