Health Recoverable Grants

Uganda Response Innovation Lab is launching call of investments in start-ups and small businesses which make a positive difference for children and communities in Uganda in the areas of health and nutrition.

Uganda Response Innovation Lab has received funding from Kumwe Hub to support innovations that are small social businesses, by offering low interest loans and recoverable grants ranging from US$5,000 to US$10,000 as capital and a tailored package of wrap-around services that include technical support, business advisory, and mentoring from world-class business experts. Our loan and recoverable grant fund are focused on businesses that are working in health and nutrition for children. Successful applicants will join a network of Ugandan businesses that impact the lives of children.

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If your business specialises in

Children health
Children nutrition
We invite you to submit an expression of interest for potential financial support through loans and seed capital.

Who can apply?

Eligibility criteria 1

Be a for-profit business entity

Eligibility criteria 2

Offer products or services for health and nutrition which benefit children

Eligibility criteria 3

Clearly demonstrate how the business and the loan will positively impact children

Eligibility criteria 4

Be legally registered in Uganda

Eligibility criteria 5

Be a local business with operations based in Uganda and products or services accessed by communities in Uganda

Eligibility criteria 6

Operate in the areas of improving health and nutrition of children

Eligibility criteria 7

Have evidence of at least 1 year of consistent revenues

Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits for children, youth, women, refugees, and community?
U-RIL sourced out innovations that were focused on impacting children's health and nutrition lives alongside the adults
Are the funds being returned?
The funds are to be returned at a no interest rate for a period of 12 months
What is the amount of investment?
Application form for open call