Sexual and Reproductive Health Financing – Ndashinganye Grants

Ndashinganye Grants Call has small, seed capital of up to 1,000 USD to award to up to 15 local businesses that are having an impact in the area of SRH, or better still ASRH, on children, families or youth.

If your business specialises in

SRH solutions
We invite you to submit an expression of interest for potential financial support

Who can apply?

Eligibility criteria 1

Businesses that registered as a business with RDB

Eligibility criteria 2

Businesses that show minimum 6 months revenue from the investible product or service

Eligibility criteria 3

Businesses that can show a direct impact in the area of SRH or ASRH

Frequently asked questions

What is the amount of investment?
$15k USD distributed over approximately 15 entities
Application form for open call