We know that whilst child-focused businesses need capital, they also need wrap around support. With our tailored suite of support and advisory services, we ensure that loan repayment rates remain high and impact on children is amplified.
Our Wrap Around Support Packages are as customized and unique as each of the businesses we work with. For our ECD-preneurs, we have a package that includes ECD excellence plus how to successfully run an ECD as a business.
For our Nurse-preneurs, the package includes how to make a low cost private health clinic both high quality and profitable.
For other MSMEs, we create a package of support covering areas such as financial literacy, marketing strategies, business modelling, pitching, as well as using our network of partners and government departments to propel their businesses forward.
Our Studio programme provides support from world-leading education experts and other business partners. They help perfect products and put together a compelling pitch to investors.
The Save the Children and Kumwe Hub Open Call for Start-Ups in Rwanda call closed on the 20th of August. Short-listed social enterprises were invited for an interview and the team successfully selected O’Genius Panda as the Studio’s first start-up.
After closing the first round of Studio Kumwe Hub is collaborating with Save the Children UK and its consultant partners, Fluxx and Accenture, to support O’Genius Panda review and strengthen its education, business, design, and impact propositions through the Studio programme.
Watch how we leverage our network of in-house and external experts to come alongside businesses with a heart for children in our Studio programme. This programme can be stand alone or accompanied by other Kumwe support such as financing or new market development.
In 2021 we worked with Accenture delivering a high-value, tailored package of non-financial support for O’Genius Panda, a Rwandan
Ed-tech startup delivering virtual learning opportunities.
They remain within our programme for consideration for innovative finance options such as loans.
Business Development Services support businesses in the fields of health,
education, nutrition, inclusion, protection and climate with ideas and innovative solutions.
Connect is a programme that matches entrepreneurs to mentors and coaches that specifically match their expressed needs. This can be in any area that a business has chosen such as legal, business growth, marketing, leadership coaching, fundraising, or specific technical areas such as Education, Health, Climate etc.
If you are a company or an individual that would like to be matched to local entrepreneurs to help them grow their business, and in doing so their impact for children, then please get in touch!
Kumwe Fund projects are directly supported by Kumwe Business
Development Services throughout the funding cycle.
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