Bridging the Digital Divide aims to develop sustainable and replicable solutions for refugees in Rwanda to access the internet, and for them to leverage this connectivity to improve their quality of life.
This is done through co-creation: creating solutions to refugees’ connectivity problems with refugees, supported by key actors within the Rwandan government, UNHCR bodies, refugee camp partners and private sector market providers.
Current stakeholders
Refugees in Rwanda (rural and urban)
Private-sector partnerships:
Internet Society
Mahama refugee camp partners:
World Vision
Maison Shalom
Red Cross
Humanity & Inclusion
Practical Action
Umutanguha Microfinance
Save the Children:
Kumwe Hub Director
Save the Children Country Director
Director of PDQ
Director of MEAL
Mahama field staff
Save the Children Norway
Innovation Norway
Impact statement
1. Needs assessment conducted: what barriers are hindering refugees from connecting to the internet?
2. Co-creation sessions with refugees, private-sector internet providers and camp partners to design the programme
3. Disney Rooms with Save the Children Country Office
4. Impact Case building
5. Sprint Planning 1
6. Market dialogue with private-sector
7. Launch of prototype solution: Affordable smartphones
8. Digital Literacy Training
9. Sprint Planning 2
10. Ambassador Sharing Club Meetings – learning from our key stakeholders
11. Ideation sessions with clients: How to help refugees afford solutions
12. Ideation sessions with Livelihoods camp partners: How to help refugees afford solutions
13. Defaulter tracking begins – refugees are struggling to afford the solution
14. New business model design for affordable smartphones
15. Design of prototype solution: Affordable Wi-Fi
Overview of the initiatives within the program
Pain points
High cost of digital devices
High cost of data
Limited charging stations
Low digital literacy
Limited public devices
Limited access and poor quality of WI-FI
How to solve the pains affordably & sustainably
Initiative 1
Smart Start – Digitally empowering entrepreneurs
Making affordable smartphones accessible to refugees through instalment payment business model introduced in the camp
Initiative 2
Cyber Cafes – WI-FI Kiosks
Supporting refugee entrepreneurs with the start-up of low-cost cyber cafes in the camp
Initiative 3
Sustainable infrastructure -Boosting economic activity
To ensure that refugees can pay for private-sector solutions, the programme is also focused on learning how to boost economic activity, to start income-generating activities, to be able to afford private-sector solutions and not rely on free aid distribution.
Case overview
In the pursuit of creating a positive and sustainable impact, the foundation of Bridging the Digital Divide lies in fostering collaboration and learning among refugees, camp partners, and market providers. Recognising the importance of cooperation, the program seeks to establish a conducive environment where these stakeholders can work together to address the connectivity challenges faced by refugees in Rwanda.
The primary objective of the intervention is to enhance the livelihoods of refugees through a dual-track approach. In the livelihoods track, refugees are empowered to initiate businesses or secure jobs that result in heightened income. As their financial stability improves, the focus gradually shifts from consumption to investment. Simultaneously, refugees undergo skill development, ultimately leading to the intentional and safe use of the Internet by individuals including children, parents, and teachers.
On the education track, the intervention aims to leverage the internet as a powerful tool for enhancing learning. Educators play a pivotal role in utilizing online resources to improve children’s education. This, in turn, fosters a broader adoption of safe and intentional internet usage among refugees, encompassing children, mothers, fathers, and teachers.
To achieve the desired business effect, the livelihoods track envisions a progression from heightened income to access to affordable digital devices, followed by access to affordable high-quality internet (both mobile data and Wi-Fi). These steps are intricately designed to contribute to the strengthening of the market economy within the Mahama refugee camp
Similarly, on the education track, the ripple effect includes improved education for youth and children, culminating in the provision of quality Wi-Fi solutions to host community schools.
The ultimate impact of this comprehensive program is to develop sustainable and replicable solutions for refugees to access the internet. By leveraging this connectivity, refugees can significantly enhance their quality of life. The intervention envisions a future where refugees not only have improved livelihoods and access to quality education but also possess the skills and resources to navigate the digital landscape in a safe and intentional manner. This holistic approach aims to create lasting positive change, fostering empowerment and resilience within the refugee community.